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playground:playground [2009/12/22 22:02] Maikplayground:playground [2009/12/28 21:47] Maik
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Spielplatz ====== 
-====== Examples for the Wrap Plugin ====== +<WRAP column 65%>
-  +
-===== Basic syntax ===== +
-  +
-An uppercase **%%<WRAP>%%** creates a **''div''** and should be used for **"big"** containers, **surrounding** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. +
-  +
-  <WRAP classes width :language> +
-   +
-  "big" content +
-  </WRAP> +
-  +
-A lowercase **%%<wrap>%%** creates a **''span''** and should be used for **"small"** containers, **inside** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. +
-  +
-  <wrap classes width :language>"small" content</wrap> +
-  +
-:!: Please note, some things **won't work with lowercase ''%%<wrap>%%''s**: +
-  * **alignments** (including alignments generated by changing the text direction) +
-  * and **widths** +
-if the according wrap isn't floated as well.+
-===== Classes and Styles =====+Willkommen auf, der Informationsquelle im deutschsprachigen Raum in Sachen **Splitter-Träger in Herr der Ringe Online™**.\\ \\
 +Falls ihr zum **Splitter Kompendium** wolltet, nicht verzagen ... ihr seid hier richtig. Das Kompendium stellte nur den Anfang meiner Bemühungen dar, alle in HdRO vorkommenden Splitter-Träger auf einer Internetseite zu präsentieren. Da dies mit sehr viel Arbeit verbunden war (und ist =) ), entschied ich mich das Kompendium flexibler zu machen. Meine Wahl fiel auf dieses Wiki-System. Von nun an kann jeder daran mitarbeiten und somit dafür Sorge tragen, daß alle Informationen zu den Splitter-Trägern auf den neuesten Stand sind. Und falls doch etwas falsch ist, oder gänzlich fehlt, dann ändert ihr es eben. Ihr müß euch lediglich registrieren und schon könnt ihr loslegen.
-==== Columns and Floats ==== +\\ 
-  +<WRAP round important center 50%> 
-You can have columns easily by adding the class ''column'' and a width, e.g. + 
-  <WRAP column 30%>...content...</WRAP+Um hier selber Beiträge schreiben zu können, müßt ihr euch als erstes registrieren. Dazu schaut mal links in die Toolbox und wählt dort **Anmelden** ausUnter dem Eingabefeld findet ihr den **Registrieren**-Link. Nachdem ihr die geforderten Daten eingegeben habt, bekommt ihr eine eMail mit einem automatisch generierten Paßwort. Damit und mit eurem Benutzernamen meldet ihr euch nun an. In der Toolbox nun **Benutzerprofil** auswählen und euer Paßwort gegen ein neues Paßwort austauschenDamit wäre die Registrierung abgeschlossen.\\ 
-  +Als Nächstes solltet ihr euch die **[[wiki:de:syntax|Syntax]]** des Wikis ansehen. Erst damit seid ihr in der Lagevernünftig mit dem Wiki umzugehen. Habt ihr das gelesen, dann probiert es am Besten auf dem **[[playground:playground|Spielplatz]]** aus. Dort könnt ihr gefahrlos alles ausprobieren.
-<WRAP column 30%> +
-  +
-//**__Emulated Big Headline__**// +
-  +
-You can emulate a big headline with italic, bold and underlined text, e.g. +
-<code>//**__Emulated Big Headline__**//</code> +
-  +
-//**Emulated Small Headline**// +
-  +
-A smaller headline uses no underlining, e.g+
-<code>//**Emulated Small Headline**//</code> +
-  +
-If you need text that is bold and italicsimply use it the other way around: +
-<code>**//No Headline//**</code>+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-  + 
-<WRAP column 30%> +\\ 
-  +//**__Splitter-Träger__**// 
-//**__Different Floating Options__**// + 
-  +Da dieses Wiki primär zur Darstellung der Splitter-Träger bereit gestellt wurdemuß ich euch auch die Möglichkeit gebeneben jene Splitter-Träger eintragen und betrachten zu können. Dazu habe ich mich für zwei Varianten entschieden. 
-Normally you would only need the class ''column''but for more sophisticated uses (not only for columnsbut for any other classes, like [[#boxes and notes]] as well) you can have several kinds of "floats": +  ;**Variante 1** 
-  +  :''Ihr sucht nach einer bestimmten Splitterart?\\ Hierzu bekommt ihr eine kurze [[:Splitterart:Splitterart|Liste aller Splitter/Schuppen]] und wählt so den gesuchten\\ Splitter aus. Dann werden euch alle Splitter-Träger aufgelistet, sortiert nach Gebieten.''<box round 200px orange left>\\ \\ ;#; **[[:Splitterart:Splitterart|Splitterarten]]** ;#;\\ </box> 
-  * **''column''** is the same as ''left'' in LTR languages and the same as ''right'' in RTL languages +  ;**Variante 2*
-  * **''left''** will let you float your wrap on the left +  :''Ihr seid in einem bestimmten Gebiet und wollt wissen, ob und welche Splitterarten es dort gibt?\\ Dann führt euch der [[:Atlas:Atlas|Atlas]] ans Ziel. Wählt euer Wunschgebiet aus und es werden alle Splitter-\\ Träger angezeigt, egal welcher Art.''<box round 200px orange left>\\ \\ ;#; **[[:Atlas:Atlas|Atlas]]** ;#;\\ </box> 
-  * **''right''** will let the wrap float right + 
-  * **''center''** will position the wrap in the horizontal center of the page +\\ 
- +//**__Neuigkeiten__**// 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-  + 
-<WRAP column 30%> +<WRAP column 25%> 
-  + 
-//**__Widths__**// +<WRAP help round box> 
-  +<WRAP centeralign>**Fahndungsliste**</WRAP> 
-You can set any valid widths (but only on uppercase %%<WRAP>%%s): ''%pxemex, pt, pccmmm, in'', but most of the time you'd only want either +---- 
-  +\\ 
-^type^e.g.^note^ +Die Fahnungsliste zeigt vorerst "Named Mobs" auf, wo noch geklärt werden muß, ob sie überhaupt Splitter-Träger sind. Die Namen hier stammen hauptsächlich von anderen Seiten, meistens waren dort aber keine weiteren Daten (außer dem Namenzu finden. 
-^''%''|''30%''|makes sense in a liquid layout| + 
-^''px''|''420px''|makes sense if your layout has a fixed pixel width or if your container contains images with a certain width| +  * [[:mob:Dung-Fresser|Dung-Fresser]]Signatur 11 
-^''em''|''20em''|makes sense if you like your wrap container to grow and shrink with the font size or if your layout is em-based| +  * [[:mob:Khlárum|Khlárum]]Signatur 45 
-  +  * [[:mob:Grindenschweif|Grindenschweif]]Signatur 31 
-A **table*inside a column or box will always be **100% wide**. This makes positioning and sizing tables possible. +  * [[:mob:Dolothid|Dolothid]]Angmar10.8N 28.0W, Beryl 
- +  * [[:mob:Bonetooth|Knochenzahn]], Moria, Elite-Meister, Kergrim 
 +  [[:mob:Rockgnawer|Rockgnawer]], Moria, Elite, Tiefenklaue 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-  +<WRAP todo round box
-<wrap em>After using any of the float classes, you might come across something like this, where the following text protrudes into the space where only the floating containers should be ...</wrap> +<WRAP centeralign>**ToDo Liste**</WRAP> 
-  +---- 
-<WRAP clear></WRAP> +\\ 
-  +Die Planungen für die ZukunftPunkt für Punkt
-... to prevent thatyou should simply add + 
-  <WRAP clear></WRAP> +  Google Ranking verbessern 
-after your last column+  neuen Bereich [[:handwerk:handwerk|Handwerk]] aufbauen 
-  +  * den Bereich [[atlas:atlas|Atlas]] optisch aufwerten 
-You **can** use the same options with small %%<wrap>%%s (as each element that floats is automatically a block level element), but it probably doesn't make too much sense. :!: Widths on spans (lowercase %%<wrap>%%s) normally do not work (by design), but can make sense, when it is floating. +  * eine brauchbare Diskussions- und/oder Kommentarfunktion einbauen 
-  +  * den Bereich der [[wiki:de:syntax|Syntax-Übersicht]] auf den akuellen Stand der Wiki-Erweiterungen bringen 
-:!: Attention: Widths can cause problems and will often look different and break in some browsers. If you're not a web developer, you might not understand any problems regarding the [[|box model]]. Just try to test your columns in all major browsers and make your widths smaller than you initially think they should be. +  * einen **FAQ** (Frequently Asked Questions) Bereich einrichten 
-  +  * Regeln aufstellen, nach denen dieses Wiki funktionieren soll 
-All of those options will also work in the [[#boxes and notes]] wraps (see below). +
-  +
-  +
-==== Alignments ==== +
-  +
-You can use these different text alignments: +
-  +
-  * ''leftalign'' +
-  * ''rightalign'' +
-  * ''centeralign'' +
-  * ''justify'' +
-  +
-<WRAP centeralign> +
-  +
-Center aligned text ...+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP rightalign> 
-... and right aligned. 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-  + 
-<code> + 
-<WRAP centeralign> +
-  +
-Center aligned text ... +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-<WRAP rightalign> +
-  +
-... and right aligned. +
-</WRAP> +
-</code> +
-  +
-:!: You cannot add alignments to spans. +
-  +
-  +
-==== Boxes and Notes ==== +
-  +
-<WRAP round box 570px center> +
-  +
-//**__round box 570px center__**// +
-  +
-  * ''box'' creates a box around the container and uses the colours from the template's ''style.ini'' as default colours (''%%__background_alt__%%'' and ''%%__text__%%''+
-  * any of the classes ''info'', ''tip'', ''important'', ''warning'', ''help'', ''download'', ''todo'' will add a special note container with a corresponding icon +
-  * ''round'' can be added to anything with a background colour or a border and will only work in modern browsers (no Internet Explorer) +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP info 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Info**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP info></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP tip 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Tip**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP tip></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP important 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Important**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP important></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP warning 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Warning**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP warning></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP round help 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Help**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP round help></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP download 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Download**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP download></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP todo 220px left> +
-  +
-//**Todo**// +
-  +
-  <WRAP todo></WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<WRAP clear></WRAP> +
-  +
-You can use notes and boxes also inside text with the lowercase %%<wrap>%% like this: +
-<wrap info>info</wrap>, <wrap help>help</wrap>, <wrap warning>warning</wrap>, <wrap important>important</wrap>, <wrap tip>tip</wrap>, <wrap download>download</wrap>, <wrap todo>todo</wrap> and <wrap round box>round box</wrap>+
-  <wrap info>info</wrap>, <wrap help>help</wrap>, ... +
-  +
-  +
-==== Marks ==== +
-  +
-You can mark text as <wrap hi>highlighted</wrap>, <wrap lo>less significant</wrap> and <wrap em>especially emphasised</wrap>+
-  +
-  You can mark text as <wrap hi>highlighted</wrap>, <wrap lo>less significant</wrap> and <wrap em>especially emphasised</wrap>+
-  +
-:!: This might look ugly in some templates and should be adjusted accordingly. +
-  +
-==== Miscellaneous ==== +
-  +
-=== Indent === +
-  +
-<wrap indent>This text will appear indented.</wrap> +
-  +
-  <wrap indent>This text will appear indented.</wrap> +
-  +
-=== Outdent === +
-  +
-<wrap outdent>This text will appear "outdented".</wrap> +
-  +
-  <wrap outdent>This text will appear "outdented".</wrap> +
-  +
-=== Spoiler === +
-  +
-Here follows a spoiler: <wrap spoiler>Darth Vader is Luke's father.</wrap> +
-  +
-  Here follows a spoiler: <wrap spoiler>Darth Vader is Luke's father.</wrap> +
-  +
-Just select the text in the spoiler box to be able to read its content. +
-  +
-=== Hide === +
-  +
-The following text is hidden: <wrap hide>John, please revise that sentence.</wrap> +
-  +
-  The following text is hidden: <wrap hide>John, please revise that sentence.</wrap> +
-  +
-:!: Warning: The text will still appear in the source code, in non-modern browsers and is searchable. Do not hide any security risky secrets with it! +
-  +
-=== Pagebreak === +
-  +
-The following will add a pagebreak: <WRAP pagebreak></WRAP> +
-  +
-  The following will add a pagebreak: <WRAP pagebreak></WRAP> +
-  +
-This has no effect on the browser screen. A [[|pagebreak]] will force a new page in printouts. +
-  +
-=== Nopagebreak === +
-  +
-The following will try to avoid a pagebreak: <WRAP nopagebreak>much content, belonging together (like a long table)</WRAP> +
-  +
-  The following will try to avoid a pagebreak: <WRAP nopagebreak>much content, belonging together (like a long table)</WRAP> +
-  +
-This also has no effect on the browser screen. It will try to [[|avoid a page break]] in printouts. +
-  +
-=== Noprint === +
-  +
-<wrap noprint>This text appears on the screen, but not in print.</wrap> +
-  +
-  <wrap noprint>This text appears on the screen, but not in print.</wrap> +
-  +
-=== Onlyprint === +
-  +
-<wrap onlyprint>This text does not appear on the screen, but only in print.</wrap> +
-  +
-  <wrap onlyprint>This text does not appear on the screen, but only in print.</wrap> +
-  +
-==== Typography ==== +
-  +
-I advice against using the following typography classes. It's better to create semantic classes that reflect their meaning instead. +
-  +
-  * font family: ''sansserif'', ''serif'', ''monospace'' +
-  * font size: ''bigger'', ''muchbigger'', ''smaller'' +
-  * font colour: ''fgred'', ''fggreen'', ''fgblue'', ''fgcyan'', ''fgviolet'', ''fgyellow'', ''fggrey'', ''fgwhite'', ''fgblack'' +
-  * background colour: ''bgred'', ''bggreen'', ''bgblue'', ''bgcyan'', ''bgviolet'', ''bgyellow'', ''bggrey'', ''bgwhite'', ''bgblack'' +
-  +
-  +
-==== Combining and Nesting ==== +
-  +
-You can combine and nest all classes and types of boxes, e.g. +
-  +
-<WRAP box bggreen fgblack 350px right :en> +
-  +
-//**__Outer green box floats right__**// +
-  +
-<WRAP 165px left> +
-  +
-Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with nested <wrap bigger>__bigger__ text</wrap> inside</wrap>+
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-Text inside outer right box, but beneath inner left box. +
-  +
-<WRAP clear></WRAP> +
-<WRAP round tip> +
-  +
-Round tip box underneath, after a ''clear''+
-</WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-  +
-<code> +
-<WRAP box bggreen fgblack 350px right :en> +
-  +
-//**__Outer green box floats right__**// +
-  +
-<WRAP 165px left> +
-  +
-Inner nested box floats left and is partly <wrap em hi>__em__phasized and __hi__ghlighted with nested <wrap bigger>__bigger__ text</wrap> inside</wrap>+
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-Text inside outer right box, but beneath inner left box. +
-  +
-<WRAP clear></WRAP> +
-<WRAP round tip> +
-  +
-Round tip box underneath, after a ''clear''+
-</WRAP> +
-</WRAP> +
-</code> +
-  +
-  +
-===== Language and Text Direction ===== +
-  +
-You can change the language and the reading direction of a wrap container by simply adding a colon followed by the language code, like this: +
-  +
-<code> +
-<WRAP :he> +
-  +
-זה עברית. ((<wrap :en>This means "This is Hebrew.", at least according to [[|Google Translate]].</wrap>)) +
-</WRAP> +
-</code> +
-  +
-<WRAP :he> +
-  +
-זה עברית. ((<wrap :en>This means "This is Hebrew.", at least according to [[|Google Translate]].</wrap>)) +
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-The text direction (''rtl'', right to left or ''ltr'', left to right) will get inserted automatically and is solely dependent on the language. The list of currently supported languages is taken from: +
-(If you specify a language not listed there, it simply won't do anything.) +
-  +
- +